Sustainable Hotels
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  • Türkiye's Sustainable Tourism Program
    Türkiye's Sustainable Tourism Program
    Türkiye's Sustainable Tourism Program
    Türkiye's Sustainable Tourism Program

    Türkiye's SustainableTourism Program

    Get to know Türkiye’s Sustainable Tourism Program

    The verification or certificate is given to accommodation facilities, tour operators and destinations that meet the highest international standards in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability. The program, which is launched in 2022, ensures to maximize social and economic benefits for local communities, enhances cultural heritage, protects biodiversity, ecosystems and landscapes, reduces pollution and conserves resources.

    With effective sustainability planning, it continuously improves the sustainability efforts of the facilities and encourages their development. The program, designed for accommodation facilities in the first stage, has been “Acknowledged by GSTC”. The facilities are audited and verified or certified independently and re-evaluated for each year.

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