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  • Mediterranean: A soothing of senses in the Turkish Riviera

    With lush green forests of pine and cedar, fine sand beaches and a crystal-clear turquoise sea, the picturesque Turkish Mediterranean is the holiday destination par excellence. But here, the definition of a holiday is by no means limited to seaside holidays. It is also the picture-perfect destination for a pampering break that provides ultimate relaxation. Now, it is time to experience a seamless moment of well-being.

    Time to focus on yourself to have a pause to become a better version of yourself. Away from the struggles of city life, the Turkish Riviera is perfect for a balneary break of well-being to benefit the most from life. From century-old traditional Turkish bath experiences and sunrise yoga practices to contemporary spa and reflexology sessions, the modern yet traditionally well-rooted Turkish Mediterranean region offers a lot to each and every visitor in search of relaxation.

    A traditional pampering break: the Turkish bath

    After a day of sightseeing and beach fun, unwind by heading to a hammam, better known as a Turkish bath. Decompress in the sauna and steam bath, and then go for a foam and oil massage, a clay mask or the special bride and groom packages.

    Scattered in city centres all over Türkiye, historical hammam buildings have a particular architecture. The hammam, the ancestor of the spa, provides a unique oriental bathing experience. As a thousand-year-old purification ritual, this gender-separated relaxation break in the mystical atmosphere of a bath is a traditional way to get yourself squeaky clean and it is a natural tonic to the stress of modern life.

    Take a seat on the marble slab and pour water over your body with gold or silver-plated bowl. Then lie on the warm marble bed in the middle and surrender to the knowledgeable hands of the tellak or natır who would rub your body with a coarse bath-glove for a healthy peeling, soap you down and then offer you a silky massage for perfect relaxation. At the end of the ritual, enjoy an ice-cold beverage in one of the specially-designed shared spaces. You may want to stop by a souvenir shop to get your own quality bath towel and washing gloves. 

    Your own private sanctuary

    If you prefer a more contemporary version full of modern alternatives, head directly to the spa to indulge your senses with an ultimate spa session – you can opt for the one within your hotel or choose a spa a little further afield for an adventure.

    The spas in hotels are a true haven of tranquillity offering luxurious cabins and inside and outside relaxation areas, and peaceful landscaped terraces reflecting Mediterranean classics. At destination spa resorts, your stay includes lavish accommodation, exceptional farm-to-table dining, outdoor escapades, and wellness programmes.

    Place yourself in the expert care for massage therapy – fluid strokes relax muscles and stimulate tissues for supple firmness. The skin is softened with essential oils and moisturised, the body feels lighter, and fatigue fades. Remember that massage has been shown to improve the quality of sleep and the immune system, promoting an overall sense of wellbeing.

    The pampering sessions do not end here –you can opt for a facial care session, try out the sauna and the steam bath, or enjoy a jacuzzi break. You may even stop by the spa stores for a unique shopping experience and discover a combination of art, beauty, and fragrance as well as a living embodiment of the vision of relaxation. Here you’ll find anti-ageing skincare collections, perfumes, eau de cologne, traditional hammam supplies, and high-end textile products.

    If you desire, you may opt for an excursion outside the hotel and go to a well-being centre. Located in calm, serene spaces, these centres are perfect for those seeking the rejuvenation of the body and regeneration of the soul. More than just a lovely indulgence, these centres provide elements for both your physical and emotional well-being.

    One step further: well-being in nature

    Well-being has no limits. The Turkish Riviera is a seamless destination that provides you with optimal healing through reconnection with nature. Keep in mind that a wellness vacation does wonders for both body and mind. Time to re-establish your mind and emotions, re-energise and balance your body through yoga, meditation, and daily nature walks.

    When it comes to yoga practices, the Turkish Mediterranean region is a true paradise. You may find ideally conceived facilities in hotels and glamorous yoga camps in total harmony with nature. Embrace the day with a morning yoga session greeting the sun above the beautiful green and blue landscape. Enjoy a 100% natural detox juice to revitalize health and energy.

    A silent meditation break in nature would help you focus on your quest for existential meaning. Just give ear to bird songs and cicadae chants to concentrate again on your breath and existence.

    After a gorgeous day spent on the seaside, you may end your day with a long, mindful nature walk on the sandy beach or in the lush green forest.  Tune up with a sensory walking session for some stress-busting and mood-boosting. First, walk while keeping your eyes still and watching the view change as shapes shift in and out of your line of vision. Then, focus just on the soles of your feet, aware of different sensations there as the surface changes. And now, focus on the sounds of your steps, the waves or the leaves – the world moves around you as you walk. Lastly, focus on the tastes and smells in the air. Carpe diem to rejuvenate in the Turkish Riviera.

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