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  • Keep Abreast of the Frozen Winter: Lake Çıldır

    The largest freshwater lake in the Eastern Anatolia Region is the famous Lake Çıldır. It is located between the provinces of Kars and Ardahan. The lake gets its fame from the numerous kinds of activities it offers. It freezes in December, the ice thickness progressively grows as the winter advances, and the magnificent activities available in Lake Çıldır begin at that extraordinary time! You can start an adventurous bike ride across the lake, find yourself on a mysterious walk over the lake's glassy surface, hunt the famous yellow carp, snap beautiful photographs in this snow heaven, and discover much more!

    Bicycle rides on the glassy surface

    You can start cycling on the glassy surface of Lake Çıldır thanks to an initiative put forth by Çıldır District Governor's Office! The event began last year to organize various ice activities around the region. The reaction was overwhelming, and it successfully attracted tourists from across the country and from foreign countries. The bicycles given by the district governorship have special tires. Using the rental method, tourists visiting the region can bike on the ice!

    Ice fishing 

    The locals, who make their livelihood by fishing, are hunting in the Eskimo style in the lake! It attracts local and foreign tourists throughout the year, especially in the frozen winter. Using picks and shovels to break through the thick layer of ice on the lake's surface, they leave their nets in the water depths and return home for 1-2 days, waiting for the fish to get trapped in the net. After an exciting wait, they arrive in the same place by taking a lovely sleigh ride across an iced lake! Pulling the nets you will experience great joy when you pull the nets full of fish!

    Suppose you have an athletic, adventurous, and exploring spirit. In that case, you will undoubtedly love eating the fish you catch after this challenging search. Because it inhabits ice-cold waters, the famed Yellow Carp of Lake Çıldır is a particularly oily and delectable freshwater fish.

    Walking on the icy surface

    Walking on the Çıldır Lake, as a once-in-a-lifetime experience that combines exhilaration and calm, will leave an indelible mark on your holiday memories! You are about to embark on a journey across the Land of Ice. It's as if you're walking on water on the frozen surface of a 123-square-kilometre lake that's 42 meters deep. As you walk on the lake that blends with the horizon, the thrill you feel while taking your first steps transforms into an unending sensation of freedom.


    Visitors to the region may hire snowmobiles from locals in Taşbaş Village in Arpacay District. Renting snowmobiles allows local and foreign guests to enjoy a lovely stroll on the ice-covered lake. According to the snowmobile charterer, this is the first snowmobile seen in Lake Çıldır. We are going out on the ice on snowmobiles for the first time in Turkey. You will have a one-of-a-kind experience with a snowmobile tour. We should tell you that leaving those memories behind will be difficult!

    Crystal Lake and Ice Festival

    You are invited to the Lake Çıldır Golden Horse Crystal Ice Festival! Cultural, folkloric, and social thematic components, as well as natural beauty, draw attention during this annual festival held in February. This festival, a cultural event that brings together artists, folklore groups, and minstrels across Türkiye, allows visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture. Sleigh, horse archery, pacing, and galloping horse races will take place throughout the event. Athletic events for young ladies and men will also be held, as well as wrestling, ice skating, and folk-dance exhibitions on the ice! Visitors to the event, which will include bright graphics, will be able to sample local specialties such as lake-caught fish and local goose meat.

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