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  • 3 Spots that Bring Top Climbers to Eastern Anatolia

    With its sublime mountains that have diverse geomorphological and tectonic structure and unique wildlife, Türkiye provides exciting options for mountaineers! According to many climbing experts and enthusiasts, Eastern Anatolia is Türkiye's climbing paradise! Here, a breathtaking view will accompany you as you climb, with an extraordinary picture of dark blue glacial lakes and colourful flowers. Spend memorable and adventurous days accompanied by the sounds of birds! Climbing these mountains will allow you to experience many beauties even if you do not reach the summit. Here are the best three climbing spots in Eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye we have chosen for you!

    1. Mount Cilo

    Mount Cilo (Cilo Dağı in Turkish) stands out with its unique scenery and natural trails in Türkiye’s Hakkari province. It generously welcomes nature lovers and mountaineers from across the world. With its valleys, high-altitude peaks, waterfalls formed by snow water and glaciers, Mount Cilo has become a popular destination for adventure seekers with countless experiences to offer. It proudly shows its vigour with an altitude of 4,135 metres in the Yüksekova district. The cave paintings close to the summit also draw great attention. The prehistoric engravings on the cave walls depict many animals, as well as symbols which are regarded as signs of religious importance; therefore, those who visit will encounter unique images. People who come to Mount Cilo and the Sat Glacial Lakes to see the hidden beauties of the region will experience the happiness of spending time in a splendid landscape where colourful flowers, cultural sights, azure water, and unmelted snow mass in a great harmony.

    Here’s a helpful link for you to discover more about Hakkari province!

    2. Mount Ağrı

    Mount Ağrı (Ağrı Dağı in Turkish) has a great status for being the highest peak of Türkiye and Europe! Made up of basalt, it’s a volcanic mountain. Because of its geographic position and the belief that it was the ultimate resting place of Noah's Ark, Mount Ağrı also has a mythical reputation. A glacier may be found near the peak, and the Serdarbulak ridge can be seen on the eastern side, with Küçük (Little) Ağrı on the northwest face. Along with its glaciers, geological structures, inhabitants, and snow-covered alpine meadows, Mount Ağrı has an attractive, almost alluring look! It's a mix of moderate-intensity physical exercise and stunning scenery! It's not a very tough mountain to scale. All you need is some motivation and the will to succeed. Crampons, rope, an ice pick, and safety equipment including an ice auger and climbing tape are recommended to the climbing enthusiasts. It takes 3-4 days to complete the journey. You won’t easily forget this memorable experience.

    Now is the time to learn more about the vibes of Ağrı province. Follow the link!

    3. Mount Süphan

    Located on the northern side of the famous Lake Van, Mount Süphan (Süphan Dağı in Turkish) is well-suited to outdoor activities and is commonly chosen by visitors all around the world! Mountaineering, touring skiing, nature and mountain hiking, camping, offroading, and paragliding are among the spectacular activities available! This location is commonly preferred, particularly for mountain climbing. Climbing is possible from the end of June through the middle of July, August, and September. Climbers who wish to climb in the winter should visit the region between the beginning of March and the beginning of December. While climbing the mountain you will be accompanied by many water sources, large and small craters and glacial lakes to cherish your climbing experience. Lake Van is seen from the top of the mountain and creates a wonderful view!

    There are many other things Van offers to its visitors. Just click here to know more!

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